Brampton Office


Why Choose Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign braces have become a preferred choice over the years because of their ease of use and quick results. Before this treatment, anyone who suffered from crowded…

Myths about Root Canal Treatment

When it comes to root canal treatments, you might feel a bit queasy. You might have an image of a dental drill in your mouth while you lie on the dentist’s chair, not being able to move.

The Benefits of Seeing an Emergency Dentist

The most unfortunate fact about modern dentistry is that many patients only seek dental care when they have an underlying oral issue. As is, many consider professional dentists as experts for all underlying tooth problems that may pop up every now and then.

How to choose the proper tooth-coloured filling?


Are you looking to replace your missing tooth or teeth but finds traditional dentures uncomfortable? The dental implants are the thing for you! It is small titanium post, an artificial tooth root that is placed in the jaw to hold the replacement of the tooth. After the fusion of the bone and implant, the implant acts like the root of a new tooth.